Transformational Breathwork

Reconnect to the innate intelligence and healing power of your body

Breathe to feel, know and heal.

Humans have been aware of the healing power of their breath for millennia. Through the centuries we’ve developed a vast array of breathing practices, all designed to bring about physical and emotional wellbeing and connect with our deeper selves.

Breathwork is an amazing portal toward restoring balance and alignment and thus creating the relaxation and the space for our innate intelligence to come in and show us the way. This innate intelligence is always available to us, we have only forgot how to access it through the business and stress we put ourselves under as well as the mistrust we have toward it from confused and incorrect modelling of the guidance we have received in earlier stages of our life.

Next to the many health benefits Breathwork has proven to bring, re-accessing this innate intelligence is one the most transformational and long lasting gifts it is in support of. How often do we feel lost, blocked, anxious or confused when we loose touch with this inner guidance, this place in which we know beyond a doubt what is right for us. As so we try to figure it out with the mind and thereby perpetuate a state of disconnection and doubt. Coming back to our innate intelligence, that lives in our bodies, is essential in meeting life with trust and confidence, especially in times of uncertainty. Transformational Breathwork helps us to feel and release what is in the way, in order for us to receive the wisdom and clarity that our body innately holds.

Dropping down, and in.

Many of us are used to an adrenaline-led life in which our nervous system is activated all te time. We keep on running, running and running. We use the mind to solve an emotional and physical issue, which never works. The more energy we give into thinking, analysing, solving, the bigger it gets. Instead we need to drop deeper. Into the body. Breathwork breaks through all resistance and mental barriers. It shows you what you have been missing, how much you haven’t really been living. It reveals all the other planes; not only the mental, but the emotional and spiritual too that are part of us. It makes you drop into the heart and gut instantly.The most effective healing mechanism is right beneath our noses. Our body has the answer. And yet we keep on looking outside of ourselves. In Individual Breathwork Sessions with me you will have the opportunity to allow your body to show you the places that contain contracted energy and release blockages, so that your breath and thus your life force can flow more freely. 

A taster of its potential power

A workshop begins with a brief introduction to Transformational Breath, its origins and how it differs from other conscious breathing techniques. Please note, this is not a breathing technique like you may have expereinced in a Yoga class. Neither is it based on any of William Reich´s work. Rather it is an evolution of Rebirthing, a technique created by the late Leonard Orr.

Following the brief introduction to the origins and technique of Transformational Breath, each individual person will recieve an analysis of their breathing pattern. This amazing tool allows you and I to immediately set a very clear intention to take into the breathing session – and into your life. Because your particular breathing pattern will show me how you live.

Now, along with your intention and with my guidance on how to breathe, you will experience what it is like to have every cell in your body filled with oxygen and life-force energy. The result will be that each individual body will recieve a physical detox and a full body recharge. You will literally feel the immediate offloading of any mental and emotional baggage that is weighing you down leaving you with a feeling of being fully connected with your heart and being again!

“Breath is a doorway back to what is essential, past what our mind believes to be possible and through old blockages in our heart and body.”

I am Shan, I am forever a seeker to live my life as fully as possible. Admittedly, it is not always an easy task and there is no end to this particular road, but the more I walk the path the more I see beauty along the way where once I saw struggle. Breath has been an amazing and endlessly reliable companion on my journey. I keep on turning back to it when I go astray and so far it has never failed me.

Working with people in this way has been the most rewarding and humbling experience to me as it continues to show the wisdom and possibilities available to all of us that I, like many people, often doubt. 

Looking at the phenomena of energy, as well as the art of breathing, is a very human and non-linear experience. It unfolds differently for every individual and can bring forth unexpected insights and create life-changing shifts. I am honoured to accompany others on this path of learning to breathe more fully and thereby learning to live more fully.